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Have you heard about Ese?  Golden black Ese as we used to call her.  Her skin so beautiful that most people called her the goddess of the black race.  She went to papa Ijebu, who mixed pepper with lemon water, he added a little bit of carol white and a pinch of something which name, I can't recall. Suddenly the black in her skin vanished like magic, she was now "African snow white"  and she reigned in her head and her new found skin.  Ese was walking on the air, almost like her new skin gave her super powers.  Awhile later, there were cracks, itches,scratches and peelings... Her body was at war with itself.  Ese's skin changed colors more rapidly than a chameleon, no one could keep up. Then came the decay that went from her skin deep inside of her and in a flash, she was gone.   Ese died trying to be who she wasn't, she was so dissatisfied with being black in a black skin and I wonder why, what is so wrong with being black?  


The topic racism,has always being an emotional one for me. It makes me question humanity and the essence of life itself. Racism for me is the feeling of superiority based on something as plain as colour and what can possibly be wrong with this feeling? I  would say everything. You are not better than me because you have a white skin and I'm certainly not better than you because I'm black. And who would have thought that in this age and time that racism will be something in existence and not something taught to the younger generation as history. 

Racism is not going to end until we all start to see our difference in skin colour as our strength rather than a threat. It is heartbreaking to see the hate,wickedness and injustice a man is willing to carry out on another because of the difference in the colour of their skin. I have been on Twitter,Instagram, Facebook etc and as an English graduate and Literature Major, I have read books on racism and it's the same thing every single time. The brutality,dehumanization,killings,enslavement,ridicule,
contempt and humiliation of black people is still the same as it was in the beginning.The fight is not for the white race to stop seeing us as blacks or referring to us as such, the fight is for them to stop treating us less than humans because of our blackness. I love being black and I will never change that for anything else. White or Black,yellow or red is God's way of adding colour to the world and showing the uniqueness in diversity and there is absolutely nothing wrong in being different but there is everything wrong in you treating me differently because I'm different...we are all human. Please by all means see my blackness but don't hate because of it.

The recent case of George Floyd murdered by a police officer in Minnesota USA and the fact that it took days for the white police man to be arrested played roughly with every little bit of my emotion and I keep asking myself what would have happened if the case was turned? if it was a black police man who had his knee on a white guys neck and killed him in the process,would any investigation be needed for his arrest? the answer is what you and I know. The racist attacks on blacks in China,India,UK and every single place in the world needs our unified voices to say enough is enough. It is time for us to wake up and speak up in every little way possible until we are heard and seen as blacks and as humans too.  

The truth is as bitter as I am about the racist attacks on our brothers and sisters out there,I can't turn a blind eye to blacks killing blacks,xenophobia,religious bigotry,ethnic conflict and tribalism. We must learn to accept ourselves as humans,irrespective of our race,tribe,colour or belief. The fact is there is never going to be a time that we are all going to look the same or believe the same thing. We are always going to be different from one another. So, it's okay to be a Christian,Muslim,black or white  or whatever it is you want to be but what is not okay is for us to hide behind who we are to hurt others for who they are. 
Racism,Xenophobia and the rest are just branches of HATE. Hate is what we should really focus on fighting because it has eaten deep into the fabric of  our society and humanity and we must stop it. When we realize that God has a reason for everything,including creating everything in twos then we will know there is no reason to hate each other and truly open our hearts to love and respect our differences. Every life matter and every belief matter just as much...I can't be you and you can't be me,there is always going to be something that differentiates us and it's totally okay to be different. Stop giving hate in the name of race,religion or tribalism because the hate you give destroys another but finds its way back to you. There are words like love and tolerance,lets begin to embrace them and change our world for the better. #saynotohate


  1. Please read,comment and share. It's one way to make our voices heard and help the message go round.

  2. You're on point. There's really no excuse to hurt another. I hope the world heals from this thick cloud of hate. Amen.

    1. Amen sister. And we all have to start using our voices until the world hears us.

  3. Wow.
    What a masterpiece!
    Thumps up


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